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Itu lah rahsia ifa skrg nih. Perkara yg x pernah ifa fikir n mimipikan pun (pujian dr hubby tentang nikmatnya hubungan suami isteri) mendapat pujian selama ini. Nak tahu rahsianya………….ALFALFA LAH…… betul, ifa mkn mmg niat utk tambahkan susu ibu, sbnrnya ifa dpt tahu alfalfa ni juga utk eratkan hubungan suami isteri, tp x lh sampai tergerak hati nak niat ke arah itu. tapi, pujian suami 3 hari lepas benar2 memeranjatkan ifa. x sangka. tu diaa..mmg tak payah nak cerita panjang lebar la ye..pendek kata, sape pernah cuba Alfalfa mmg tahu keupayaan supplement ini bertindak..bkn sahaja sebagai milk booster, malah works wonder utk masalah keputihan, senggugut yg teruk, eczema, alahan kulit malah utk hubungan suami isteri..disebabkan oleh keupayaan Alfalfa dalam menangani mcm2 masalah, ianya digelar raja segala tumbuhan..
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Merupakan suatu Formula Shaklee Signature yang pada asalnya dibangunkan oleh Dr Shaklee dalam 1950-an. Shaklee hanya menggunakan alfalfa terbaik yang tumbuh di California yang kaya dengan pelbagai jenis zat termasuk kalsium fosforus ,zat besi dan magnesium serta klorofil,bioflavonoid,pelbagai mineral dan vitamin.Tidak mengandungi fungisid,bakteriosid, hormon2 sintetik,pengawalatur tumbesaran atau bahan2 kimia.
Tahukah anda Alfalfa ni mengandungi phytoestrogens juga menyebabkan ia mempunyai fungsi seperti kacip Fatimah, maka, membantu dalam “hubungan” suami isteri (enhance libido)..
1. It lowers cholesterol- In several studies, alfalfa supplementation reduced blood cholesterol levels, particularly for individuals with a specific kind of high cholesterol known as type II hyperlipoproteinemia. It appears that the fibers and chemicals in alfalfa stick to cholesterol, so that it doesn’t stay in the blood so it can’t be deposited on blood vessel walls. Even more exciting is that it seems to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) while leaving good cholesterol (HDL) alone.
2. Contains essential enzymes needed to efficiently digest food- (Lipase – fat splitting,Amylase – acts on starches,Coagulase – coagulates or clots blood,Emulsin – acts upon sugar,Invertase – converts cane sugar to dextrose,Peroxidate – oxidizing effect of the blood,Pectinase – forms vegetable jelly,Protase – digests proteins)
3. Alfalfa is a great digestive aid- The chlorophyll, enzymes, minerals, vitamins all aid digestion and help stimulate lagging appetites.The 8 essential enzymes assist in digesting all 4 classes of food: proteins, fats, starches and sugars.
4. Aids in healing peptic ulcers- Contains Vitamin U, a vitamin found in green vegetables. It is used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, colitis, and gastritis and has an effect on secretory, acid-forming, and enzymatic functions of the intestinal tract*. Vitamin U effectively cured 80% of peptic ulcers of those tested at Stanford
University, (as stated in “Nature’s Healing Grasses”).
University, (as stated in “Nature’s Healing Grasses”).
5. Aids the kidneys in ridding the body of excess fluid and regulates the bowels- Chemicals in alfalfa have mild diuretic properties, which may promote the loss of water from the body. Therefore, alfalfa may relieve swelling caused by excess water accumulation.
6. Helps the body fight off infection- The chlorophyll in alfalfa develops an effective barrier against bacterial invasion by its stimulation effect on the growth of connective tissue and granulation tissue.
7. Alfalfa has a long history of health benefits. Some consider it a superfood!- AL-FAL-FA meaning father of all foods. They were so convinced that it was beneficial to the health and strength of the body.
8. Alfalfa is rich in vitamins-Vitamin A – for night vision and important for eye health. Builds resistance to infections, especially in the respiratory tract; promotes growth ands vitality; promotes healthy skin and is essential in pregnancy. Vitamin E- protects cells against damage from sun’s radiation and air pollution; promotes heart, cardiovascular and muscle health and improved immune function; promotes muscle tone in the body; helps bring nutrients to cells and helps strengthen blood vessel walls, including capillary walls; helps proper focusing of the eyes.Vitamin U – promotes health of body to help overcome peptic ulcers.Vitamin B6-helps food assimilation and protein and fat metabolism; promotes nerve and skin health; helps battle nausea symptoms.Vitamin K- essential for blood clotting; important in liver functions; may possibly contribute to vitality and longevity.Vitamin D - regulates the use of calcium and phosphorus in the body and is therefore necessary for the proper formation of strong and healthy teeth and bones.
9. Alfalfa is rich in minerals-Calcium- builds and maintains bones and teeth; helps clot blood, aids in vitality and endurance; regulates heart rhythm, soothes nerves.Iron – required in manufacturing hemoglobin; helps carry oxygen in the blood.Manganese is a trace element that is thought to be involved with the body’s use of carbohydrates from food. This helps alfalfa lower blood sugar levels. Because alfalfa may have a lowering effect on blood sugar, alfalfa may increase the effectiveness of medications used for the treatment of diabetes. Potassium – necessary for normal muscle tone, nerves, heart action and enzyme reactions; digests fats.Phosphorus – needed for normal bone and tooth structure. Interrelated with action of calcium and Vitamin D. Improves nourishment of nerve tissue.Chlorine (chloride) – an essential electrolyte which cleans and purifies the body; regulates fat, sugar and starch metabolism.Sodium – regulates fluid balance throughout body; neutralizes acids, prevents clotting of blood; activates spleen, bowels and stomach functions.Silicon Magnesium – helps body to deal with constipation; steadies the nerves; has protective effect on skin and body; stimulates brain function.
10. Alfalfa is high in protein- Alfalfa has 18.9% as compared to beef at 16.5%, milk at 3.3% and eggs at 13.1%. (Muscles are composed of protein and the lack of it results in fatigue and weakness.)
11. Pregnancy and Lactation Remedies – as milk booster
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Khasiat daun alfalfa :
- Tumbuhan terbaik yang mengandungi segala zat keperluan harian tubuh manusia.
- Melegakan sakit sendi dan belakang.
- Menghilangkan kelesuan dan tekanan.
- Memberi sensasi ‘rasa sejuk’ (alfalfa Shaklee mengandungi minyak Peppermint)
- Memberi kelegaan semasa haid.
- Merawat arthitis
- Bagus untuk elergi dan ekzema
- Merawat asma
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- Mencuci buah pinggang dan merawat kencing kotor disebabkan jangkita dalam buah pinggang
- Meneutralkan asid dalam badan
- Merawat masalah keputihan pada wanita
- Membesar dan menegangkan payudara
- Bertindak seperti kacip fatimah kepada para isteri
- Memulihkan urat selepas bersalin
- Membantu masalah penghadaman dan pencernaan
- Meningkatkan stamina seorang suami
- Melegakan sembelit
- dan banyakkkk lagi khasiat Alfalfa ni
AMARAN : Alfalfa TIDAK BOLEH diambil oleh pesakit SLE
panjang lebar penerangan tentang kebaikan Alfalfa..dan utk yg mencari2 supplement utk keintiman atau masalah kewanitaan, saya cadangkan anda ambil Alfalfa bersama Vitamin E dan jika ada budget yg lebih, mcm biasa saya akan cadangkan bersama Energizing Soy Protin (ESP-yg mmg hot item sgt2)..dan jika anda konsisten, bersabar dan mengikut jadual pemakanan yg betul, insyaallah anda akan kagum dengan kesan yg anda perolehi..
Bagi yang mempunyai badget lebih, boleh add on Vitamin Cinta - iaitu vitamin E sesuai utk yang mempunya masalah keintiman
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